Dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks
Dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks

Get Real Familiar With The Character Types If you don’t spot a huge opportunity to do this but you spot those rainbow-colored spheres, make a habit of collecting those instead. Ki Bursts occur when you line up and absorb the same color type orbs in a long row. When picking the Ki orbs needed to power up your fighter, you should always check to see if you can pull off Ki Bursts.For instance, a TEQ-based fighter placed in line before a AGL-based fighter is a good move to make. Once that enemy comes at you, you’ll be able to defend yourself and not take too much damage. That way, you’ll get in an attack on the weaker character type.

dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks

When you spot your enemy prepping to come at you, make sure you put the stronger character type in front of ’em.

  • Keep an eye on how each fighter will proceed according to their turn in the line formation.
  • Defend Yourself With The Stronger Element Type Before Being Attacked

    dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks

    The higher the DEF stat is for that character, the more HP they’ll get back.Ĥ. Not only will a character gather double the Ki by doing this, that character will get a health regain.

    dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks

    That way, you’ll know just what orbs to collect on your way to attacking your enemies. Pay attention to the type of color/fighter-type affiliation that’s tied to any of your characters.

    Dokkan battle cheat engine bluestacks